[WEBINAR RECORDING] Working on Your Family Business: Create a Plan for Success

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Jeanne Coughlin, The Coughlin Group Founder and President, partnered with The Ahola Corporation to present an insightful webinar: Working on Your Family Business: Create a Plan for Success.

Ahola has made the webinar and materials available via its website and you can also view the full webinar recording direct. Further details on the program are below. 

Planning is important for all businesses, but it's even more so for family businesses because personal relationships are at stake. Creating a plan for the future helps to guide decision making in the present, and perhaps more importantly provides an opportunity for family members to maintain positive, lasting and productive relationships.

  • Learn the 5 most important planning questions which must be answered to insure family business sustainability
  • Create a framework for planning that is easily understood, embraced and implemented
  • Learn the 2 critical elements that need to be included in your planning process to improve communication and performance

View all information at: http://payrollhr.ahola.com/EAPWebinar